Monday, March 5, 2012


It is so nice in little old Rexburg today!! Last week we had a snow storm and I started wondering if winter had finally made an appearance...guess I was wrong!! It's 52 degrees outside and the sun is shining with a bright blue sky! Although it is only March, seeing the sun and feeling the heat when I walk to class, makes me SO excited for summer to be here already. Summer is my favorite time of the year and I'm so excited for the long awaited flip flop and sun glasses season to begin! It is probably a good thing that I am on the Fall/Winter track because I would not be able to be here during the summer months and not wear flip flops everyday (Flip flops are against the Honor Code here at BYU Idaho). My summer break begins next month and I am crossing my fingers that the Seattle rain is put on a hold and the sunny days begin! I start coaching swim team in May and can't wait to see all of my little munchkins! I'm a little nervous because we are moving up a division, but it will be fine. My pale skin is so ready for the sun to come out and for the weather to be nice so I can get my tan back!!

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