Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And the countdown begins...

3 more weeks and my summer can finally begin! I've been out of school since April, but work has taken up a lot of my time. The swim team season will be over in 3 weeks, and the day after the final championship meet, I am going camping for a week with my family for a huge family reunion. I am so excited to get away for a few days and enjoy a few days up in the mountains!

The theme for last week's home meet was super heroes. My grandma and I made the coaches some capes to wear at the meet. Usually I hate dressing up for the theme meets, but it was fun to wear the capes and I think the younger kids liked it.

Confession time: I didn't realize how short I am until I saw this picture! I laughed pretty hard when I saw how short I am next to these two giants. Tomorrow is team picture day, and lets just say, all 10 of my kick boards that I will be standing on are ready to go :)

I can't believe how fast this summer has been going so far. Pretty crazy to think that I've been home for 3 months already, and before I know it, it will be time to go back. I am so excited to get back to Rexburg and let the adventures begin. My classes are all signed up for and we got our living arrangement a few weeks ago, so now its just the waiting game!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Last night we had our first swim meet, which was super scary as it was my first meet as the head coach.  When putting the meet together and getting in touch with the Edgebrook coach (our opposing team), I was shocked and a little frightened to hear that they have 270 swimmers....which is almost double the swimmers that I have! The boys (my 3 other coahces) and I spent 7 hours putting line ups together this weekend...we did a lot more talking that we should have, but it ended up being really fun! Any way, we WON!! The final score was 368 to 290, which is awesome! We had about 1/2 of the DQ's that we had at last years first meet, and twice as many best times!! I am so proud of my swimmers and all the effort they put into the meet last night!

We have another meet tomorrow, which again, I am a little scared about. We have some very fast swimmers, but they have even faster swimmers. But, who knows, fingers crossed I will be surprised at the end of the meet again!?